The day after Haiti, we sailed into Jamaica.
We loaded onto a bus and were driven to Montego Bay for a Snorkeling trip. The views along the drive were wonderful, of course.
I took a few pictures, some of which were to get the names of some of the best resorts in he area. Some of the best were of Montego Bay.
We got onto a Catamaran at Cornwall Beach to go snorkeling.
The whole trip, the water in the Caribbean was very smooth. We seldom even felt the rocking motion of the boat.
The water was a little murky, but the coral formations were pretty neat, and the coral was also a lot healthier than what we saw in St. Thomas a couple of years ago.
Yes, that is my finger in the lower left. Sorry. But the coral formation is what is important.
Because of moon phase, the nodules on the coral were distinct.
We do see a few fish in these next two photos, but overall, the fish were scarce.
After the snorkeling, the crew took us over to the protected part of the bay. It turns out that the island brings all boats into this area during a hurricane, because the waves aren't bad at all.
The crew pulled up a jelly fish for us to see.

We saw some pelicans flying around the boat. I somehow lost the best photos of the birds.