Thirty years ago in June, I had a disagreement with mother, probably about not doing enough around the house or something that I cannot remember. I moved into some apartments just north of the football stadium on Canyon Road. At the time it was Marshall Arms Apartments - now its Stadium terrace or something like that. The next afternoon I met Kayleen, as she came to invite my roomates to Sunday dinner. We talked for a long time, and over the summer became very good friends. We ended up getting married 29 years ago TODAY! We drove to Idaho Falls on
the 22nd, with Kayleen's sister as our chaparone. We stayed in a motel that night, Kayleen with her parents and I in a seperate room. The night before our marriage we walked around, down by the river and around the motel. The next morning, we went through another session for in the temple, and then got married. Kayleen remembers our sealer's name - I don't. I do remember that he thanked us for our sacrifice to get to the temple. I wondered about that. It didn't ever seem like a sacrifice to get to be married to Kayleen FOR ETERNITY.

We then went to Uncle Hon and Aunt June's house in Rigby for a "Wedding Breakfast", after which Kayleen and I drove back to my trailer in Boise. We had a reception in Nampa the next evening and another in Springville two weeks later. We have had the privledge of having 4 wonderful children in our home. But the greatest privledge is that I get to continue to be with Kayleen for the next {INFINITY and BEYOND} years.

And yes, that is me in the white tux. Hard to believe. I'm not sure what I was saying to Wally.
Any Guesses?