SO==> This little lady controlled our house for a few days. Her bright eys and "full-body" smile kept smiles on our her grandma & grandpas faces.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
SO==> This little lady controlled our house for a few days. Her bright eys and "full-body" smile kept smiles on our her grandma & grandpas faces.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
2009 in Review
The year started out with our 5th grandchild being born. We gathered at the hospital, knowing that this would be a sacred time - a time of joy and of sorrow. Little Emma was born on January 15th, 2009, but unfortunately, her little heart had stopped beating a few hours earlier.

In July, one of Lecia's friends returned home from a mission. Lecia and her friends had a reunion in Tucson. Brityn, Lindsey, Nicole and Lecia came to breakfast one day. The non-missionary friends each had a baby girl, and they were all born within 4 weeks of each other. Kennedy is on the left, Sophie in the middle, and Madelyn on the right.
We flew up to Utah again in October for Conference. I was able to take Tim, Mike and Matt to Priesthood session, and then we went to dinner at Applebee's. We had one of the funner dinner's that I have attended.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow ... (revisited)

Monday, September 21, 2009
Kayleen's Birthday
Sunday, September 13, 2009
These are a Few of My Favorite Things.
When I'm feeling sad,
I simply remember my favorite things,
And then I don't feel, so bad."
(Apologies to Julie Andrews-Sound of Music)
This has been a tuff week, due to my responsibilities of being Bishop. Since the hard parts are things I cannot talk about, I will try to focus on the good things in my life. I'm sure that some of these pictures have shown up before, but they bring a smile to my face !!!
SO === >>>
I like my family--
Friday, August 28, 2009
Education week, etc.
We went to Utah to see family and to attend Education Week. It was wonderful.
One of the better things I got out of Education week is the list below.
Ten Commandments of A Spiritually Healthy Person:
- Decide now which way you will face and which God you will worship.
One afternoon we walked dwon to the park with Peter and Ben. The boys showed us how good they were on the park equipment.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
That's My Girl
With the heat, Kennedy tried a little ice. She came back for more even though it was cold.
Kennedy may becoming anorexic. Here is a movie of her sticking her fingers down her throat so that she will gag. She doesn't actually in this clip, but you can see that her fingers go down quite far. But she is cute when she does it.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
New Friends, Old Friends
We got a short video of Kennedy and her laugh. It is a delight to have her and her momma in the home.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Weather Update
I thought that becuase we have not had the VERY HOT days (107 and above, up to 115) that our "monsoon" season would not be very good. The hottest it has been has been 106, once. I don't think we even hit 100 degrees on 15 of the 30 days in June (although I did not keep track.)
With that introduction, Tucson has been blessed with a bunch of very good thunderstorms this past week. Then last night, we were treated to a 2 hour natural fireworks show, and it rained here for about 6 hours. We had our ward potluck breakfast this morning, and the sun was out. It was muggy, but a slight breeze kept the event from being too sultry.
The only probem with the rain, is that we found out that our roof has a small leak. It isn't too bad, but the carpet in the hallway is a bit stained, if you look close. So I had one trip to Home Depot for some Henry Roofing Patch stuff. I am fairly confident that I found the place where the water was getting through. 30 monutes later, I was sweatin' up a storm, but the project was done, at least until it rains again and proves to me that I didn't get the right spot.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Fathers Day
Gabriel, Phillip, Kelly, and Andrew.
Tara and Mike
Matt and Lecia, holding little Kennedy Mae
I have been very blessed in my life, but never so much as in my role as father.
PS Hey, I also hooked up my Web Cam today. So if you want to chat on Skype, you can look up Gerald Bishop, or my "handle" is grandpabishop.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Weekly Update
1. So after the Mission President recognized me in Sacrament Meeting, both missionaries assigned to our ward were transfered out. No replacements are anticpated within the near future.
4. I asked Kayleen what she wanted for Mother's Day. She said that she was feeling antsey because we had no trips planned. So I did a little research, and got a gonga deal for our Anniversary. Since we were apart for our 30th, we will do something special for our 31st. Kayleen got to do something special - visiting Lecia and Kennedy - but I stayed home with the auditors.
5. I got a frantic call a few days ago from Kim Mohr. A year ago she had asked Tim Wilson to marry her, but did not give him a date at the time. Fast forward to two weeks ago - she finally called to verify, and he is gone this weekend. Her parents weren't happy, Kim just wanted to find someone who could officiate, and I was available. It turns out Tim would have needed permission anyway, since Kim's records were back in my ward. So I married Kim last night. It went pretty well, all in all, but the stress on my back did cause a little extra pain.
6. We are going to the game on Monday. It is memorial day, and the D-backs and Fox Sports are doing a salute to the troops. I let them know that my wife is the mother of a soldier in Iraq. I am sure they get a lot of such requests, so we will see what, if anything happens.