Repentance means that one must go back and do what should have been done. So here are the pictures that should have been posted after the last trip.
First is my traveling companion, my wife and best friend. I am happy to be traveling with her through the eternities.

Mike and Tara came with us. At first, she was afraid that she would slow us down. I think I probably slowed her down, despite her cane and crutches.

Kennedy may have been too young to appreciate a week in Paradise, but she did appreciate having lots of people around.

I showed these guys once before, but they are amazing.

The scenery was wonderful, as usual.

We spent a morning at Pearl Harbor. We took the boat ride out to the Arizona Memorial.

The battleship Missouri, or "Big MO" rides at anchor here too. We did not take the tour as it would be too trying on my back and Tara's knee.

The Arizona Memorial, as seen through the tines of the the anchor of the sunken battleship.

We sent Mike, Tara, Lecia and Matt off the the Polynesian Cultural Center, and we kept Kennedy for ourselves the whole day. We had a great time together.

We hike up to a waterfall. I thought I had put Mike and Tara under the waterfall, but this picture will have to do, as it is one of my most favorite I have ever taken.

The whole group starting out on the hike to the waterfall

Lecia and Matt at the waterfall.

Yes, we did have a great time. As of this posting, we have no definite plans for return. Not that we won't go back, because we will. We just don't have it planned yet.