I spent some time in Utah Valley for Education Week. I flew in on August 13 and stayed in Kennedy's basement. Saturday we went to Best Buy for a power cord for the laptop. I expected a $20 price tag. It was about 4 times that amount. And since I was spending that much, I got Matt his birthday present - but I asked Lecia first if I could. We went to a ward Luau, but ended up at Applebees for dinner. On Sunday we went to Church. I got to spend an hour in the nursary with a crying child. No, Kennedy went from toy to toy, person to person, and did not utter a peep. She was great. High priest group was much like most priesthood quorums - someone was assigned to teach just prior to th
Education Week.
On Monday I went to a series on the Life and Mission of Jesus by David Christensen. Two ideas came out of those series that I have been pondering alot. First - Eternity goes both ways. I will not try to expound on that concept much, other than after the Infinite and Eternal Atonement was completed, it was if it had always been completed - thus, the Savior was "Slain from before the foundation of the World." The second is that From the moment when Jehovah stepped forward and said "Here I am, send me." (Which is a whole 'nother topic for pondering and committment) the atonement had begun. He had to hang on, from that moment on, to not do one thing that His Father would not want, or will. When He was 11 years old and being tormented by a younger brother, He could not say or do anything that make Him less than acceptable in Father's kingdom.
Then I went back to Kennedy's and played with Kennedy.
On Tuesday I started off with a lecture series on the Law of Consecretion, Then a series on Prayer. I skipped the devotional, but went to one on teaching youth. For the rest of the week, I attended a series on the Temple during the "devotinal hour". After those classes, I inevitably went back to be with Kennedy. The week was very edifying.
The Class on the Consecretion helped me to see that consecretion, though a covenant we make in the temple, is also a process. If we are in tune with seeking God's will, He will help us move towards giving more of ourselves and giving up those things that would not be in harmony with being a Son or Daughter of the Most High.
Leadership Training
That Saturday I attended a meeting with Elder Christofferson, Elder Rasband, Elder Kerin (?) and Elder Pickard. Eighty-four Bishops and Branch Presidents attended, along with 13 Stake Presidencies. The message was not new or negative in any way. It was uplifting, but also presented in a way that each leader could take appropriate notes that he needed for his stewardship. We concentrated on the Leadership Emphasis, that has bee around for about 20 years or so. We spent some time on Helping the Elder's Quorum President, on Teaching in the Family, on Missionary work and Rescuing the less active. They also took alot of questions, and we spent some significant time talking about immigration and our approach to the controversy in Arizona. There were also so moments I would consider sacred, and will only talk about those times during appropriate conversations.
The following weekend, We flew up to Provo again, this time for my 38th High School Reunion. It was good to see old friends, old flames, and to see that I am not the only one who has grown old. And yes, it was dissappointing to see that some people have not moved past High School. In that way, I have been blessed to have lived outside of Utah County since I graduated from college. I have been pushed out of my patterns of behavior that were set during HS, and have been able to grow past those habits.
I finally set appointments for my back pain again. The Doctor nuked the nerves on the right side of my back on August 26, and was supposed to do the left side on Sept 9. He had marked out Sept 16 as Rosh Hashashana, but it was Sept 9. So the left side nuking has been rescheduled for Sept 16.
As of now, I am excercising 4-6 times a week on my stationary bike for 30 - 40 minutes. Life is pretty good. We don't have any further trips scheduled to my happy place until March, but we should be in Utah in January when Kennedy's sister is born. For the most part, I find joy in my calling as Bishop, but there is also a lot of heartache and pain involved. I love my Savior and will continue to offer my meager 5 loaves and 2 fishes, trusting that He will magnify and expand my offering to be sufficient for those whom I serve.