Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Matt, Lecia and Kennedy flew into Phoenix on Nov 21, and stayed until Friday afternoon. Kennedy had a huge smile for us as she got off the plane, as though she remembered who we were. She kept up the smiles all week and it was wonderful.

SO==> This little lady controlled our house for a few days. Her bright eys and "full-body" smile kept smiles on our her grandma & grandpas faces. By the way, she is NOT camera shy. This sequnce of pictures shows her reaction to the camera. In this first picture of 3, she doesn't really recognize that grandpa is taking a picture.

Then in this picture, she sees that, "oh ya, the camera is on!" Her eyes open up a bit and the face begins to animate.

She then turns it on for all the world and posterity to see. Still, she deserves the attention, just for the smile she turns in our direction.

She loves to have us help her walk. We could see her getting better and stronger as the week went on. Her smile seemed bigger when she could show us how big she was getting.
Oh yes, we did have a dinner here. The food was excellant. Only two pies, but we were only four adults, so it was okay.
Then 15 minutes later, the bellys were full, the food was partially consumed, and we were pretty happy.

Here is some bonus footage, of Kennedy showing here pacifier skills. I think all of our grandchildren have shown exceptional dexterity and skill with the binkie, and Kennedy is fitting in nicely.


Kayleen said...

We have sooooo much to be thankful for ... your post just gives a few of the reasons. It was delightful to spend some special time with Kennedy and parents. It is lonely this morning without her. Hope over the year to spend special time with everyone.

Tiffany said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! If you look at Matt's face in the sequence of Kennedy pictures, it looks like he too goes from a bit dazed to full on smile. Do you think Kennedy got it first or he did?

Matt and Lecia said...

whoa, now that is one cute girl!