This week has led me to ponder the various miracles in my life. Yesterday I could barely move because of back pain. I woke up today wondering if I would be able to attend church. Although still sore, the overall level of pain was so much less, that I was able to participate in all meetings, and to take care of all interviews and meetings. I was able able to view and participate in some significant miracles in the lives of others, in addition to my own. Here are a few pictures of what I consider, the miracles in my life.
My Wife, Kayleen is the most amazing person I know, and the fact that she loves me still, is a miracle.
My Children have grown up to become respectable members of society. That they could overcome the problems and issues of having me as a father, is a miracle.
My grandchildren are happy, loving and intelligent people. I marvel at the patterns of life that continue to renew the world with these amazing children. The procreation of life is a miracle.
I view the creations of God. This flower is the Passion flower. We found it in Hawaii. It was one of the rare days that the flower was blooming. This earth is indeed, a miracle.
The temples of God are the locations on this earth where families are sealed together for eternity. They truly are houses of God, where His presence can be felt. The promises pronounced upon His children are sure, His love is true, and his plan of happiness, is a miracle in my life.
I agree with all but the first picture however you too are a miracle in my life. Thank you
Thank you daddy! I love you.
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