The Very Best of Times
The holiday is over. It is time to go back to work. We have had a very good holiday. Mike Lecia and Matt drove in on December 22. Kelly, Andrew and Gabriel flew into Phoenix on the 23rd. Tara came in Christmas night, although with delays and broken engines, she really didn't get in until early morning of the 26th. We played super Nintendo,
Nintendo 64, and Mike brought his Nintendo Wii with him. We played a few games, ate some excellant food, and engaged in frivelous and sometime entertaining conversation. All in all, we had a great two weeks. Mike, Tara and Matt drove back on Jan 2. Lecia flew back the same day, but got back a LOT sooner than her husband and her brother. Kelly and the boys are still here.
Matt got (the DVD) Kung Fu Panda for Christmas, so we watched that movie pretty much everyday. We tried watching a few other movies, but Kung Fu Panda was the Number 1 choice by Andrew and Gabriel. I tried bowling, golf and baseball with the Wii, but bowling was the only one I was any good at. I watched Matt build his own Mii (character) on the Wii, so I decided to try too. Matt called his BIU. I thought maybe it was Japanese for "Good looking Son-in-law), but he said it was simply an acronymn for "Bad Influence Uncle." So I build a guy that was short, pear shaped, bald, with gray / silver hair. He is just like me, except he can bowl. The last 7 games he only had 5 open frames and was well into PRO status. (In the picture below, Gabriel does NOT want his picture taken. He thinks I will steal part of his soul or something. )
But I will remember this past year. It has been one of my very best ever, not becasue of where I have been, but becuase of time spent with our family.

You wrapped it up pretty well. Family is the greatest and I am looking forward to a new year with many experiences and good times. I am especially glad to have the good and the bad times along beside you. It is hard to watch the kids leave but it will be nice to have the house back too. However it means much work is needed to be done, declutter again this year....a forever project.
(insert BIG family hug here).
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