For some time, I have wanted to again enumerate some of the blessings in my life. This month seems to be a very good example of why I feel so grateful for the life Father has given me. So, here goes, although not in any particular order.
It is also NOT an exhaustive list !!

Uno ==> My oldest son Phillip was born on March 2, 1980. Because of the long labor, he went into fetal distress every time Kayleen had a contraction. The miracles of modern medicene not only allowed both Kayleen and Phillip to survive, but also for Kayleen to have three additional children. I remember coming home and having Phillip running down the hallway to meet me. He would grab my keys and try to fit them into the doors, luggage, or other keyholes. I will always remember that excitement for life.

B ==> My second son Tim was born on March 9. I remember him hunkered down next to the strawberry patch in Idaho looking over the "just picked strawberry plants." A few minutes later he would be toddling back to the house with his fists clutching ripe strawberries that we had missed. The creations of the Lord continue to amaze me and even when I think I have seen the wonders of the creations, I will see something new.

Next ==> My third son, Mike was born in July, but is getting married on March 21. His optimisim is a contstant inspiration to me. His wife-to-be was born March 11 {
Edited}. I have two additional daughters-in law and one son=in-law. I love and admire each of them. The more I get to know them, the more grateful I am for excellant spouses for my children.
4 ==> My second grandson Gabriel was born March 30. I now have four grandsons and two grand daughters.

E ==> My wife Kayleen were originally going to be married March 17. But all the c
hurches were booked for the Relief Society birthday dinners. We moved the wedding to February 23rd. Each day with Kayleen is another adventure. I am grateful for those additional 3 weeks.
'Nuff said.
6 ==> I am grateful for Sunday evenings.

Finally ==> This month is Easter. I am reminded daily of the goodness of our Savior in so many aspects of our lives. This earth was created through His matchless power and word. My family is sealed together throughout eternity through His priesthood. My hope of Resurrection and eternal life comes through His sacrifice, his suffering and his empty tomb. All that is important to me, comes through His various gifts to me. I can only thank Him by trying to be obedient, by trying to be as good as I can be, and by trying to serve Him and His children to the best of my ability.
Yay! March is SUCH a great month! I am so excited! :)
(and not to rain on your wonderful post which made me so happy to read all of the wonderful things about the family... but the wife-to-be's birthday is March 11)
Fixed :)
We really are very blessed and March as a month is very full...
I also don't mean to rain on your parade, but Easter is in April this year.
Oh, and it took me the longest time to figure out when and where that picture of Matt and Benjamin was taken, but I got it now.
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