Sunday, February 3, 2008

Please, send me a bell!

Last year I don't think I was sick at all. This year I have had two man-colds. My voice never did fully recover from the first. As I was feeling better from the first, it was still fun to sing hymns becuase my voice would crack. My councilors laughed and said I was starting puberty. Friday night I felt the sore throat coming on. (Thanks Clark, for the link. ) On my Birthday, I pretty much stayed on the couch with the bottle of Zycam close. We watched the funeral proceedings and documentaries of President Hinckley's life. Each of our children called to wish a happy birthday. Started off today feeling better and went to my interviews and meetings feeling okay. Halfway through Sacrament meeting that began to change again. The headache came, feeling like someone had inserted a length of re-bar through my ears. Since I had left the bell at home, I took care of a few necessities (I always go into the nursary to shake the hands of my friends there. I call each one by name and take their hands. They usually give me their left hand, because the right hand is clutching a doll or a truck.) and then came home to the couch again.
I did go to the hospital Saturday night, but becuase a good friend and a member of the Ward had been taken into ICU. She is growing older and weary of mortal trials and pains. She was a great comfort to Kayleen and I when we first moved to Tucson. Now she is struggling for breath. She has a great capacity for love and service but it is now our turn to love her and to serve her in her needs.


Tiffany said...

I've decided that it's not so much the cold weather that I don't like about winter - it's the illnesses! I feel like as soon as one makes its round through the whole family, another starts! I think, "will it ever end?" The answer? Spring.

Kayleen said...

I for one am sure glad you are feeling better!!