Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Not so good

Yes, this was an experiment. It seems to have gone badly. So, after pondering all of the comments, I have decided that i will be going dark.


Matt and Lecia said...

...what does that mean? going dark?

Anonymous said...

Showbiz term when a show is canceled

Spence said...

hey i read at least twice a week. i am just a natural born lurker when it comes to blogs. please keep it up.

Linda Cameron said...

Don't go to a black hole yet. I didn't recognize that this was the Bishop Bishop site. Anyway, squares like you need squares like me to build upon. Did that make sense to you - I'm not sure it did to me! Glad the back is feeling better. I heard it through the grape vine - Raisin Kayleen.

Matt and Lecia said...

I enjoy reading your blogs! It's part of my MWF morning routine to read Tiffany's, yours, moms, DeCourseys, and the Bishop news.

If you are set on getting rid of it, we should at the very least have one for our immediate family that we can all post on, because I like hearing from you more often than just over the phone.

Kayleen said...

That, Lecia is a good reason for you to start one too. You always were able to tell a great story. Miss you and Love you.